Home Care | Physiotherapy
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Physiotherapy Services

Do you experience a nagging pain in your lower back after a long day at work?

Is the fear of a long-standing injury limiting you from pursuing your favourite sport?

Are you looking for physiotherapy services for an elderly with mobility issues or post-hip-replacement surgery?


If you answered YES to any of these, then read on…


At HomeCare, we bring you physiotherapy expertise for a wide range of medical conditions such as persistent pain, sports & muscular injuries, post-stroke care, chronic pulmonary conditions, geriatric & pediatric care, post-operative care, etc. right at the comfort of your home.

Our proven techniques, standardized approach, a pool of experts and a continuous commitment to quality makes us your preferred partner for all your physiotherapy needs.

Benefits Of Physiotherapy Treatment At Home

Physiotherapy has over the years proved its effectiveness in helping patients in restoring their health and enhancing their physical strength, function and mobility. To further enhance your experience with physiotherapy, our Physiotherapists personally visit you and perform physiotherapy at home. Some of the benefits of getting physiotherapy at home include

  • Enables convenience
  • Provides personalized care
  • Brings about a faster healing process
  • No mobility issues
  • Better time management
  • Cost effective
  • Family support and supervision

With our affordable and accountable home services, say good bye to all your worries and hassles of physiotherapy treatment.